Friday 7 September 2012

Changes in S4N team & what's next

Hello readers!

This week was pretty decisive regarding the future of the blog. Many of us were afraid it will die, few others were looking forward for it and saying "finally". In the end, Sun - the creator of the blog, chose James and me to continue in his respectable work he had done here so far. He had published 208 articles since the beginning of the year, spent lots of hours on research but before anything else had the idea of creating the blog and also the power to attract attention to it and keep it alive until now. Big respect mate!

We would like to continue in the direction he set, here is our vision about the blog:
- keep regular articles on clan profiles, UAC watch, CW updates and hopefully also interviews
- member updates articles will be probably reduced. In my opinion they just give attention to clan jumpers, who are not worth it. But if James wants, he can continue with them.
- James will cover mainly topics on VIP 1.0 community, KL tournament which is being prepared, clan jumpers if he wants. Since he is (unlike me) a native English speaker, he will be also in charge of grammar and stylistic corrections if necessary :)
- I will take care of UAC watch, cheaters, new maps/mods. Also, I would like to expand the blog to 1.1, especially VIP clans there. And over time also to T.S.S, at least slightly.

If you want to participate on creation of this blog, there are these options for you:
- sending us info about clan war results, if possible also with a link to match on clan web/forum
- sending us information or a complete article that we will publish, with or without your name under it (as you prefer)
- becoming co-author of this blog with the right to publish your own articles. To achieve that, send us an e-mail with a vision what topics you would like to cover and we will consider that. I know we will need larger team, because sooner or later we might run out of article ideas.

I intend to work on popularity of the blog so if you can, help and spread a word or two about it as well. Some useful articles will be coming soon, so it's worth for SWAT4 fans to check the blog regularly.

P.S.: our email and xfire contacts can be found at the bottom of the blog.